December 22nd, 2024
We welcome you to this service of worship on the Lord’s Day.
Welcome & Announcements
Responsive Call to Worship:
L: God who spoke to Mary and Elizabeth,
All: speak your Word to us now.
L: God who blessed them with new life,
All: bless us with great expectation.
L: God who gave them songs of praise to sing,
All: receive our joyful praise.
L: God who loves beyond all measure,
All: we are here to worship you with hearts full of love.
Advent Liturgy ~ Ivy & Anna Weerts
Hymn: Hope is a Star #119
Prayer of Adoration & Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Worship Song: Emmanuel, Emmanuel #114 | King of Kings #266
Children’s Time ~ Rev. Allen Aicken
Scripture Reading: Luke 1:39-55 ~ Serena Emarald
Sermon: “Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth“
Hymn: What Child is This? #161
Invitation to the Offering ( Donations & Offerings)
Prayer of Dedication
The Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Hymn: O come, Let Us Adore Him
Choral Amen: Amen, Amen, A—men
May the Lord, mighty Lord,
Bless and keep us forever.
Grant us peace, perfect peace,
Courage in every endeavour.
Open your eyes and see His face,
Know His grace forever.
May the Lord, mighty Lord,
Bless and keep us forever.
Langley Presbyterian Church Announcements
Rev. Bill Gammer will preach the Word of God next Sunday, December 29th.
If anyone has completed or plans to complete reading the entire Bible by Sunday, December 29th, please let Rev. Lydia know. There will be a prize!
Children’s Time: This morning’s story was written by the novelist and Presbyterian missionary to China, Pearl S. Buck. You may recognize her name as the writer of the Nobel Prize-winning novel, The Good Earth. If you want to purchase a copy of Christmas Day in the Morning, your bookseller will find it.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: Tuesday, December 24th, at 5 p.m. The Offering collected during the Candlelight Service will be donated to the Salvation Army Gateway of Hope.
Langley Presbyterian Church Closures: The LPC office will be closed from Wednesday, December 25th until Wednesday, January 1st. The office will resume regular office hours on Thursday, January 2nd. If you have any concerns, please get in touch with Rev. Lydia.
Volunteers for December 22nd:
Offering Plate: Caroline M.
PPT Operator: Rose P.
Refreshments: Patricia & Trevor F.
Scripture Reader: Serena E.
Volunteers for December 24th:
Scripture Lesson 1: Serena E.
Scripture Lesson 2: Jim L.
Scripture Lesson 3: Terry A.
Scripture Lesson 4: Eleanor M.
Collection Plate: Caroline M.
PPT Operator: Patricia F.
Volunteers for December 29th:
Collection Plate: Caroline M.
PPT Operator: Volunteer Needed
Refreshments: Volunteer Needed
Scripture Reader: Volunteer Needed