February 9th Service with Rev. Lydia Bae

February 9th, 2025

We welcome you to this service of worship on the Lord’s Day.

Welcome & Announcements

 Responsive Call to Worship:
One: Let us sing and pray in God’s presence.
   All: Praise be to God!
One: For God has created the world and called it good.
   All: Praise be to God!
One: In Christ, God has redeemed the world and defeated the powers of death.
   All: Praise be to God!
One: The Holy Spirit is at work in the world, calling us to follow Jesus.
   All: All praise and glory to God, Holy One and Holy Three!

 Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy #299

 Prayer of Adoration & Confession

 Assurance of Pardon

 Hymn: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus #570

 Children’s Time ~ Rick Penner

 Scripture Reading: Luke 5: 1-11 ~ Jim Leith

 Sermon:   “If You Say So

 Hymn: Amazing Grace #670 vs. 1, 2, 4, & 6

 Holy Communion

 Invitation to the Offering  ( Donations & Offerings)


Prayer of Dedication

The Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn: Christ, You Call Us All to Service #585


Choral Amen:  Amen, Amen, A—men

May the Lord, mighty Lord,
Bless and keep us forever.
Grant us peace, perfect peace,
Courage in every endeavour.

Open your eyes and see His face,
Know His grace forever.
May the Lord, mighty Lord,
Bless and keep us forever.


Langley Presbyterian Church Announcements

GriefShare Ministry will begin on Friday, February 21st.  It is a 13-week program hosted by Rev. Bill Gammer & Rev. Lydia Bae.  We encourage you to share this resource with those who may benefit from it.

Ash Wednesday Morning Prayer Service: Wednesday, March 5th at 10:30 AM

Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service: Thursday, April 17th at 6:30 PM

Easter Service: Sunday, April 20th.

LPC Annual General Meeting (AGM):  Our AGM will be held on Sunday, February 23rd, after the service.  Mark your calendars!

Upcoming Event: A Follow-up Visioning Meeting with Rev. Dr. Dale Woods will take place on Saturday, March 1st from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  Light lunch will be provided.  Please mark the date.

Men’s Breakfast: To be held at Langley Presbyterian on Saturday, February 15th, at 9 AM.

Langley Food Bank: Non-perishable food items are always needed and greatly appreciated.  If you are able to donate some non-perishable food items, please place them in the wheelbarrow at the back of the Sanctuary. Other ways to help: https://langleyfoodbank.com/give/

Volunteers for February 9th:
Collection Plate:  Caroline M.
PPT Operator:  Rose P.
Refreshments:  Norm & Lynda
Scripture Reader:  Jim L.

Volunteers for February 16th:
Offering Plate:  Caroline M.
PPT Operator:  Volunteer Needed
Refreshments:  Betty & Paul B.
Scripture Reader:  Linda F.