Through your generous donations we are able to continue to achieve Our Mission
“To Glorify and enjoy God”
and fulfill Our Purpose
“To make the light of Jesus Christ shine upon our community”

To Donate by Cheque: 

Make cheque payable to ‘Langley Presbyterian Church’ and mail to:

Langley Presbyterian Church
20867 44 Ave
Langley, BC  V3A 5A9

Donate by e-transfer:

to Donate electronically by email transfer, send donations to

Donate Monthly: 

PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) allows you to give your offering faithfully all year long.  Your specified donation will automatically be deducted from your bank account each month. This option allows you to designate your givings to the Church as well as 2 other options.  If you are interested in PAR please complete the form below and send to


Give a Legacy

You can give a gift that will change lives today and grow the mission of the church for generations to come!

Planned gifts can be made through: Gifts of Cash, Wills and bequests, Life insurance, Gift annuities, Publicly traded securities, Gifts of real estate, and Charitable remainder trusts.

To learn how a bequest, gift of stock, gift annuity or other planned gift can leave a lasting legacy, please contact:

Stewardship & Planned Giving
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
50 Wynford Dr.
Toronto, ON M3C 1J7
(416) 441-1111 or 1-800-619-7301