In the Storm

June 25, 2023
Prayer of Illumination: Draw us close, Holy Spirit, as the Scriptures are read, and the Word is proclaimed.  Let the word of faith be on our lips and in our…
Prayer for Illumination Our Heavenly Father, we thank You for the truth of Your word. We pray, O Lord, that You would open our hearts so that we yield our…

What is Real Faith?

June 4, 2023
Luke 7:1-10 and Matthew 15:21-28 Definitions of “Faith” We can easily be confused about what "faith" really means because the word is used to signify so many different things: •…

Spiritual Heritage

May 30, 2023
My mother is 85 years old. She is a very wise, determined, and faithful woman of God. She was born in a wealthy family in the northern side of Korea.…


May 2, 2023
Commonly Heard “That may be true for you, but it's not true for me.” “No one has the right to tell me what's right or wrong for me.” “It's wrong…

Peace be with You

April 18, 2023
A few years ago, after a big transition in my life, I was going through an emotionally and spiritually down time. When I feel down, I don’t want to see…

He is Risen!

April 11, 2023
When I was younger growing up in Korea, sometimes I wondered why Jesus was white. Korea was, at least until the 20th century, a homogeneous nation despite being invaded and…

The Triumphal Entry

April 4, 2023
On February 8, 2023, phone notifications started ringing everywhere at Asbury University in Kentucky. People uploaded videos and pictures of the students’ singing and praying on Social media like YouTube,…

The Glory of the Cross

March 24, 2023
John 12: 19-33 Years ago, the Polish government under Prime Minister Jaruzelski, ordered that all crucifixes be removed from classroom walls, factories, hospitals, and other public institutions. So when the…

Take Your Stand for Jusus

March 10, 2023
Philippians 3: 1-10 About 250 years ago, two young Moravian men heard of an island in the West Indies which was virtually owned by one plantation master. He was a…

The Transfiguration

February 19, 2023
Waiting to be interviewed for a job as a wireless operator, a group of applicants paid little attention to the sound of the dots and dashes which began coming over…

Surpassing Our Understanding

February 12, 2023
Julies Verne, a famous writer in the late eighteen hundreds was known for his science fiction and his ability to envision things Surpassing Our Understanding. In a world before flight,…

Being Content

January 27, 2023
Philippians 4:10-20 “Being Content” January 29, 2023 A little girl was walking in a garden and noticed a particularly beautiful flower. She admired its beauty and enjoyed its fragrance. “It’s…

What is Mankind?

January 19, 2023
What Is Mankind? Rev. Robin Ross Psalm 8:1,3 1Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. 3When I…

God’s Plans for Us

January 8, 2023
Pastor Eugene Morell once shared about God's Game Plan. A few years after he committed his heart to Christ, he felt he was called to the Ministry. He told his…

Embrace The New God Will Do

January 1, 2023
John D. Rockefeller, was very determined as a young person to become successful and rich.  At age 33, he earned his first million.  At age 43, he controlled the biggest…

Shout For Joy

December 25, 2022
Somewhere in a restaurant in Paris, there is a picture of children leaping in the air, because of great joy they experienced.  It was taken on the day Paris was…

Love Came to Us

December 18, 2022
It was Christmas Eve 1963 when Henry and his wife Judy made the 15 miles trip back home after the service.  The unthinkable happened.  Their car hit black ice and…

The Road to Bethlehem (Part 2)

December 15, 2022
THE ROAD TO BETHLEHEM (2)              2 Samuel 23:8-17 The season of Advent is intended to be a time of soul-searching, repentance, and preparation for the coming of Jesus –…
It's the second Sunday of Advent, a word that derives from Latin "advenire" – "to arrive or come", a traditional time of repentance and preparation for the celebration of the…

The Peace Of Christ

December 4, 2022
Is peace possible? Is it beyond all reasonable expectation that we on planet earth will somehow, some day, live in peace? That’s what the angels sang about, on the fields…

The Hope in Christ

November 27, 2022
Ephesians 2: 1-10 The first Sunday in Advent – HOPE Joe Bailey in his book "A View From a Hearse" tells of the time his son died of cancer.  He…

The Glorified King

November 20, 2022
Some tell us that Jesus’ earthly life was not very important.  They say He wrote no books, composed no songs, drew no pictures, carved no statues, accumaleted no fortune, commanded…

Grumbling or Patience?

November 13, 2022
Exodus 16:1-15 This part of Exodus occurs after the miracle of crossing the Red Sea on dry ground with a wall of water on each side. Now, in the desert,…

A Soldier Of God”

November 13, 2022
During World War I a Protestant chaplain with the American troops in Italy became a friend of a local Roman Catholic priest. In time, the chaplain who moved on with…

What is that in your Hand?

November 6, 2022
Israel Is Enslaved 1875 BC – Joseph brings his father Isaac to Egypt to escape famine – 70 people. 1450 BC. – 2 million+ descendants (foreigners) are enslaved to build…

The Fingerprints of God

November 6, 2022
I don’t know about you but I like to watch shows about the solving of crimes – shows like Forensic Files, CSI Miami and Law and Order. One of the…

Grace by Faith

October 30, 2022
William Barclay wrote the following in his Romans commentary: “One of the great stories of the Christian Church is that of Telemachus.  He was a hermit of the desert, but…
Why is trusting God hard? When we receive Christ as our Saviour and Lord, we trust Him to forgive our sins and give us a restored relationship with Himself and…

Growing in God’s Grace

October 23, 2022
A man in a psychiatric ward told a therapist, “I can only take so much. I lost my job, my wife left me because of that...and then my children don't…

Why we should trust God

October 16, 2022
The beauty of our Christian faith is trusting God to save us from our sins. 1 Peter 1:21 reads, "Through Christ you have come to trust in God." But trusting…

Thanks be to God

October 9, 2022
Rudyard Kipling, who was the author of “The Jungle Book”, was so popular that his writings were earning him about $10-00 per word.  A few college students however didn’t appreciate…

Seek Encouragement in God

October 2, 2022
Edward Steichen, who eventually became one of the world's most renowned photographers, almost gave up on the day he shot his first pictures.  At 16, he bought a camera and…

Where your heart is

September 23, 2022
Picture this. A couple in their mid-fifties settle back into their lounge chairs on their Caribbean cruise as they celebrate early retirement. They had three grown children, two of whom…

Facing Tomorrow with Confidence

September 18, 2022
Of all the parables Jesus told, today's certainly is one of the most difficult to understand. What can we make of an irresponsible employee shafting his boss and getting praised…

The Abundant Life

September 11, 2022
The 1 Dead Sea is called the Dead Sea for a reason: it's dead.  This is because of its salt content.  It is the saltiest body of water on the…

If you hate your job

September 6, 2022
Conversations with a young mechanic who finds his job unfulfilling: he wants to become a fire fighter, but it's not happening. He's distracted on the job, thinking of what else…

How Great Thou Art

September 4, 2022
“How Great Thou Art” is a treasured hymn of praise among God’s people. The inspiration came from a Swedish poem entitled “O Store Gud”, which means “O Great God.” It…

The Person God Chooses

August 28, 2022
A newspaper group in Austria had its annual event of selecting the most beautiful woman in their region.  People were asked to send in pictures of the woman they thought…
Leonard Bernstein, American conductor, was once asked, “What is the hardest instrument to play?”  Without any hesitation, he replied, “Second fiddle.  I can always get plenty of first violinists.  But…

Follow Jesus’ Example

August 14, 2022
Dr. Tony Campolo, sociology professor and ordained Baptist minister one evening took a late flight back home after a conference.  The passenger next to him talked non-stop.  He bragged about…

God’s Restoration

August 7, 2022
Many years ago there was a restaurant, The Anchor, that was the pride of a coastal village in Dunbar Scotland.  But over time with the building getting older and older…

On Life’s Journey…

July 31, 2022
For many people in the world life is a journey filled with thorns, obstacles and dark valleys. Many have created life situations where they enslaved themselves an d they curse…

The Call Of God

July 24, 2022
A little girl had been trying for hours to learn the art of tying her shoes.  She became very agitated and started crying.  Again and again her mother had to…

Shine The Light Of Jesus

July 17, 2022
The great Evangelist, Dwight L. Moody shared the following story: “At the mouth of Cleveland harbour, there were two lights, one at each side of the bay, called the upper…

He Took Our Place

July 10, 2022
In Charles Dickens’s novel “ A Tale of Two Cities” Cities”, a young French aristocrat was condemned to die by the guillotine during the bloody French Revolution. He was sentenced…

Secure in God

July 3, 2022
A retired couple was alarmed by the threat of nuclear war so they undertook a serious study of all the inhabited places on the globe. Their goal w as to…
Perhaps you’ve heard the classic story about the faithful pastor who was told by his superior that something was wrong with his ministry.  The supervisor told him, “Only one person…