Wisdom From Above

September 24, 2024
Prayer for Illumination: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. Amen. Lynn Canyon…

The Power of Words

September 19, 2024
Prayer for Illumination: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. Amen. In my…
Prayer for Illumination: Gracious God may Your messages come to us through Your Holy Spirit’s power, so that our faith might not rest on the understanding of the human mind,…

You Are the Man

August 7, 2024
Prayer for Illumination O Living God, You speak to us through Your Word made flesh in Jesus. Help us to listen when You challenge us and call us to change.…

David’s Fall

July 30, 2024
Prayer for Illumination God of Grace and Hope, We come before You with attentive ears. Let the Word of Transforming Power speak deeply within us, so that it convicts us,…

God’s Promise to David

July 23, 2024
Prayer for Illumination God of Wisdom and Understanding, open our hearts and minds as we listen to Your life-transforming words. Speak to us, Your servants are listening. Amen. I started…

David and the Ark

July 16, 2024
Prayer for Understanding God of Word and Wisdom, as we listen to the Scriptures today, enlighten our minds, nurture our souls, embolden our hearts, and stir our minds, so that…

The Grace of Giving

July 3, 2024
Prayer for Illumination Father, Like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in season, we delight in Your Word. Please, open up Your Word to us…

Living By Faith

June 14, 2024
Prayer of Illumination: Lord God, our souls wait for You, more than those who watch for the morning. Send Your Spirit upon us as Your word is read and proclaimed…

Here Am I. Send Me!

May 31, 2024
Prayer for Illumination God our Father, True source of light and wisdom, let a ray of Your light penetrate the darkness of our understanding. Holy Spirit, empower us to live…

Can These Bones Live?

May 24, 2024
Prayer of Illumination: For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges…

The Good Shepherd

May 2, 2024
Prayer for Illumination Eternal God, our guide and guardian, Enlighten our minds to Your teachings, that we may be servants of Your love. Transform our church, so that we may…

We Are Children of God

April 16, 2024
Prayer for Illumination God of Word and Wisdom, the Risen Christ opened the minds of his friends to understand the Scriptures. Send us Your Holy Spirit to open our minds…

True Fellowship

April 9, 2024
Prayer of Illumination: Holy God, just as You transformed disbelief into faith for Your followers on that first Easter, we pray that You would transform our hearts and minds through…

I Have Seen the Lord

April 9, 2024
Prayer for Illumination: Risen One, help us recognize You this day as we hear Your word. You are “Rabboni,” our Teacher, our Guide. Come, speak to us, that we might…

The Message of the Cross

March 6, 2024
Prayer for Illumination: Holy God, reveal Your presence to us this day as we listen to Your word. Send Your Spirit upon us that we might listen, discern, and take…

Jesus the Son of God

February 21, 2024
Prayer for Understanding God of wisdom, send Your Spirit to prepare our hearts and minds to hear Your Word. Teach us to see You more clearly and love You more…

Knowledge vs. Love

January 31, 2024
Prayer for Illumination Source of Wisdom, still our minds as we listen to the Scriptures. Send Your Spirit to keep us alert and attuned to Your life-giving Word this day.…

The God of Second Chances

January 24, 2024
Prayer for Illumination: Compassionate God, may the authority of Your Spirit bring understanding into our confused minds and truth into our troubled hearts, so that we may be transformed and…

For One of the Least

November 30, 2023
Prayer for Illumination Open our eyes to the truths contained in this passage and empower us to live out the message it conveys. May Your Holy Spirit be our teacher…

Do Not Bury Your Gifts

November 22, 2023
Prayer for illumination: God of the generations, the Scriptures are a legacy to us from Your faithful people over many centuries. Just as Your Spirit inspired and guided prophets, evangelists,…

Be Ready & Be Responsible

November 15, 2023
Prayer for illumination God of prophets and parables, your Word can meet us with a challenge, a puzzle, and a promise. Send your Spirit with the gifts of understanding to…

In the Last Days….

November 8, 2023
Prayer for Understanding Lord of Peace, Lord of Glory, we have come and gathered in the House of God to listen to Your words. Teach us Your ways, thus we…

Remember the Lord Your God

October 11, 2023
Prayer for Illumination I rejoice in following Your statues as one rejoices in great riches. I delight in Your decrees; I will not neglect Your word for they are my…

The Faith of Friends

October 4, 2023
Prayer for Illumination: Teach us, O Lord, to follow Your decrees; then we will keep them to the end. Give us understanding, and we will keep Your law and obey…

Jesus Heals & Prays

September 27, 2023
Prayer for Illumination: You who formed us, named us, and gathered us, open our ears to hear your message. You who give power to the faint, help us understand your…

Standing on Holy Ground

September 13, 2023
Prayer for Understanding God of wisdom, You teach us with love, You touch us with mercy, and You challenge us with truth. Send Your Holy Spirit to help us grasp…

Forgiveness Unleashed

August 23, 2023
Prayer for illumination: Seeking unity, we come to the scriptures. Acknowledging our discord, we come to the scriptures. Realigning our lives with God, we come to the scriptures. We have…

Wrestling with God

August 8, 2023
Prayer for Understanding Holy God, Your Word is bread for our journey. Send us Your Spirit so that we may grasp Your love and will for us as we listen…

Called to Serve

July 2, 2023
Prayer for Illumination: As we are gathered here today, we ask You, our living God, to shower unto us Your wisdom and knowledge. We pray that as we listen to…

In the Storm

June 25, 2023
Prayer of Illumination: Draw us close, Holy Spirit, as the Scriptures are read, and the Word is proclaimed.  Let the word of faith be on our lips and in our…