
What we do in our service

Adults and children worship together in song and praise, led by our music team.

We greet each other with the peace of Christ, pray, hear, proclaim and respond to the Word of the Lord. After children’s time, we offer KidBLAST (Bible Learning At Stations)  Sunday school for children under 12 years old.

At the conclusion of the service,  we enjoy coffee and other refreshments together.

Communion at Langley Presbyterian Church

On the first Sunday of each month, we set aside time to give thanks for Christ’s saving love.  The Lord’s table is open to all who have put their trust in him.

These are times to remember and celebrate the work of Christ in our lives. Candle-lit carol services on Christmas Eve are a highlight for many families. Services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are thought-provoking times of remembrance.  See our bulletin for further information.

Upcoming Special Services and Events

Wednesday, March 5  Ash Wednesday Morning Prayer Service at 10:30 AM

Thursday, April 17 Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service at 6:30 PM

Sunday, April 20 – Easter Service 10 AM

Sunday, April 27 – Mission Awareness Sunday Guest Speaker Pastor Mathew Lalumuthuplackal from Heavenly Worship Centre 10 AM

Saturday, June 7 – We will be hosting a Community BBQ. Information to follow.

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