Our Minister Rev. Lydia Bae
Office Administrator
Christina Williams
Christina can be found in the church office
Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am to 3:15 pm.
Please call before stopping in.
Overseeing the work of our congregation our Elders are:
Marianne Lazaro
Bev Feick
Trevor Fowler
Nancy Hantke
Graeme Kennedy (Clerk of Session)
Eleanor Mills
Heather Nordine
Thomas Wagner
Pastoral Care Team
In touch with members of the congregation who are ill, need a visit at home, or at hospital. Phone calls, cards and e-mails.
Norma Leith
Nancy Hantke
Louise McAree
Mission and Outreach Team
To inform and encourage the congregation in its mandate to spread the gospel and be responsive to the needs of our neighbours both near and far
Trevor Fowler
Leading with Care
Tom Wagner
Worship Planning Team
Working to help the congregation respond to the presence of God through music, word, action, and art.
Bev Feick
Christian Education Team
Men’s Group
On the first Saturday of each month the men get together for breakfast and fellowship.
Trevor Fowler
Youth Group
Guiding and mentoring our youth through study, prayer and fellowship activity. Supporting them in their service within the congregation and community.
Trevor Fowler
KidBlast Sunday School
Our Sunday School ministry for children of school age is built on the Workshop Rotation model of education which teaches the same biblical story for several weeks, using a Bible study time and a variety of activities to help children understand the lessons. One week the children will use drama, another week computers, the perhaps a video or cooking, crafts, drawing, or music.
Erin Weerts
Beginning at age three, children hear a story each Sunday, and participate in a related activity. The also have the opportunity to reinforce their learning through puppets, games, music and other activities.
Erin Weerts
LPC Library
The LPC Library Ministry is here to serve you through books and other materials to supplement your personal Bible reading, weekly sermons and other Bible studies. The materials delve into what it means to be Christian and Reformed and aid us in working out how to live our faith in the world today.
Marianne Lazaro
Property Committee
Responsible for coordinating maintenance and improvements of the church buildings, grounds, and equipment.
Louise McAree
Graeme Kennedy
Leroy Nigh
Lori Hastings
Christina Williams & Lori Hastings